Official Opening of the 31st Junior Parliament of Zimbabwe
His Excellency President Emmerson Mnangagwa attended the Official Opening of the 31st Junior Parliament of Zimbabwe themed “The Rights of the Child In The Digital Environment”, at the City Sports Centre in Harare.
The Junior Parliament of Zimbabwe is a recognised structure within the Government and mirrors the structure of the Senior Parliament with each Constituency having a Youth Parliamentarian representative. It was established in 1991 as a move by the Government to effectively engage children in policy processes. Child President Nevile Mavu from Goromonzi High School Mashonaland East Province inspected the Guard of Honour comprised of Junior Officers from Dzivarasekwa (Presidential Guard) Barracks Primary School.
Thereafter was a procession of the 31st Session of the Junior Parliament of Zimbabwe and Junior President Nevile Mavu presented the State of the Nation Address. His Excellency President E.D Mnangagwa congratulated Child President N. Mavu and applauded the peaceful and fair Junior Parliament Elections. He said that the newly acquired Zimbabwe Youth Council offices will be fully equipped to benefit the youths and should with immediate effect decentralise in order to meet those from remote areas. President Emmerson Mnangagwa has officially declared the 31st Junior Parliament officially opened. #CommemorationoftheDayoftheAfricanChild